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Cervical smear clinic

Cervical screening saves thousands of lives from cervical cancer every year in the UK. Our friendly female Practice Nurses offer screening to all women and people with a cervix aged 25–64. Cervical screening checks the health of your cervix, it is not a test for cancer, it’s a test to prevent cancer. For more information or support patients can contact the surgery and chat to one of our nurses, or alternatively contact Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust on 0808 802 8000.

COPD clinic

Our respiratory nurses help and support COPD patients by carrying out regular review, advising on how to use an inhaler and how often to use it. The nurses will talk about your symptoms, such as whether they are affecting your normal activities or are getting worse. During the appointment the nurse will carry out tests to monitor your health and check your medications. Referral to pulmonary rehabilitation is also available.

Coronary heart disease clinic

Our nursing team will check your blood pressure, bloods and talk to you about your lifestyle, medications and how to keep your heart healthy.

Diabetic clinic

Our nursing team see our patients with diabetes for regular check-ups and more often if patients are struggling with their condition. We check blood pressure and take blood tests to check blood sugar levels, cholesterol and kidney function. Controlling blood sugar levels and having regular diabetes reviews is the best way to lower the risk of complications. The nurses are also trained to help with titration of insulin medication.

Family planning clinic

The clinic offers a comprehensive range of services including individual contraceptive advice, sexual health advice and sexually transmitted infection testing. We offer a variety of contraceptive choices including contraceptive injections and pills. We also offer insertion and removal of subcutaneous contraception and coils, done both by GPs and Practice nurses.

Flu clinic

Every autumn we offer flu vaccination to patients:

  • over 65 years of age
  • with diabetes, lung disease, heart disease and kidney failure
  • who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill
  • taking immunosuppressive drugs
  • who are pregnant
  • who are healthcare workers
  • children in certain age groups

Foreign travel advice

For travel immunisations and advice please complete the travel vaccination questionnaire and make an appointment to see the Practice Nurse, 6 to 8 weeks prior to travel. We recommend that you see us early in case you require a course of immunisations. Please make an appointment with the travel nurse if needed.

Hypertension clinic

Our nursing team provide regular reviews for patients with hypertension. During the review the nurses will monitor blood pressure, obtain a blood sample and provide people with support. The nurse will also discuss lifestyle, symptoms and medication.

Immunisation clinic

The Practice offers regular appointments for your baby’s routine vaccinations. Your baby needs their first injections at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks and then at 12 months. A pre-school booster is then recommended from 3 years 4 months old. As well as protecting your own baby, you’re also protecting other babies and children by preventing the spread of disease.

Leg ulcer treatment clinic

The nurse-led clinic provides assessment, management and treatment of leg ulcers including health promotion and follow up care to prevent recurrence. Patients receive the highest level of care focused on improving healing time and quality of life.

Sexual health clinic

Chlamydia packs are in the toilets, condom distribution and contraception advice.

Stroke clinic

Our nursing team provides annual review of care for adults with a history of stroke. During the appointment the nurse will take your blood pressure, check your medications and take bloods. In addition the nurses will advise on eating a healthy diet, exercise, drinking alcohol within recommended limits and stopping smoking. We can also offer advice about lifestyle changes to improve your general health and lower your future risk of stroke.

Treatment monitoring clinic

Our treatment room offers a large variety of services including blood tests, ECGs, dressings, minor operations and management of injuries. We also carry out ear irrigation, injections, removal of clips and sutures and urinalysis. The nursing team also see urgent referrals from our GPs for ECGs, nebuliser therapy and observation of unwell patients.

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